Monday, 19 March 2018

Somewhere along the way

Somewhere along the way
We lose our paths to greatness
Somewhere along the way
We get lost among all the craziness
Somewhere along the way
You hear the whisper of wrongness
Somewhere along the way
You give in to your own weakness
Oh! how we fall when we don't fight back
Those misleading words
Setting us on misleading tracks
Your virtues and ideals take a backseat
Going with the flow
So that the present seems like a sweet treat
I can't believe how times have changed
How importance is given to things of a short range
How intoxication has replaced conversation
How we all seem to try and run from our situations
There isn't much that can be done
But introspection is certainly one
One to help you see the truth of your actions
One to save you from negative repercussions
One to keep you true to yourself
One to ensure the greatness doesn't die within yourself.

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