Monday, 25 December 2017

Can we go back......

Can we go back to the simpler times
When all we worried about was when the bell would chime
When we'd rush out onto the playground
Tag and run with our friends all around
Can we go back to when things were easy
When we could come home and just be lazy
When ice creams and chocolates would light up our eyes
And happiness meant falling asleep to our parents' sweet lullabies
Can we go back to when the games we used to play
Involved laughter and smiles with everyone in the fray
When the shout of a teacher was the scariest thing
And getting called to the principal's office left us shivering
In such a rush we were to grow up
Not valuing the innocence of our childhood drying up
And now instead of freedom we are in clutches
Chocolates and ice creams replaced with vices
'Lazing' a foreign term while we run towards an unknown end
As you feel your happiness is just around the bend
The laughter filled games now replaced with politics
All of us too busy learning the latest mind tricks
And now its too late to appreciate what was
To be able to go back to the way things were.

Image result for people trapped in a globe sculpture

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