Monday, 25 December 2017

Can we go back......

Can we go back to the simpler times
When all we worried about was when the bell would chime
When we'd rush out onto the playground
Tag and run with our friends all around
Can we go back to when things were easy
When we could come home and just be lazy
When ice creams and chocolates would light up our eyes
And happiness meant falling asleep to our parents' sweet lullabies
Can we go back to when the games we used to play
Involved laughter and smiles with everyone in the fray
When the shout of a teacher was the scariest thing
And getting called to the principal's office left us shivering
In such a rush we were to grow up
Not valuing the innocence of our childhood drying up
And now instead of freedom we are in clutches
Chocolates and ice creams replaced with vices
'Lazing' a foreign term while we run towards an unknown end
As you feel your happiness is just around the bend
The laughter filled games now replaced with politics
All of us too busy learning the latest mind tricks
And now its too late to appreciate what was
To be able to go back to the way things were.

Image result for people trapped in a globe sculpture

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Shadows and Light

The shadows they crawled in, closer than ever
As he knelt in the centre, drawing into himself further
They leapt and they bounded, nearing his trembling feet
He huddled in closer, not willing to accept defeat
The shadows they drew up to their full height
And beckoned him closer with all of their might
He looked inwards, into his heart
Knowing she'd be unhappy if they were to part
A bright light shimmered around him then
Showing him the path of where to begin
To escape the demons that threaten to destroy
To trick him into one of their ploys
The light blasted outwards into the night
As big as a tower, it burned to ignite
He called out in victory as the shadows withdrew
And the light grew larger bringing in a day anew

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Whatever will be will be......

Oh little one what will you do
As you grow older and life crashes upon you
Will you stand tall and face your fears
For all of those whom you hold dear
Will you hold tight onto your belief,
While the waves roll over through your period of grief
These people you've depended on while growing up
Now need your strength to keep them strong enough
Tough times lie ahead but you need to see them through
Don't be disheartened when sadness tries to crush you
Be strong willed to get to the other side
Whatever it holds, at least you tried
Keep smiling 'cause that is the key
That will help your loved ones and keep them burden free
Don't despair even if you are apart
The ones you hold dear will always lie in your heart

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Run Run Run.....
Be better than the rest
That's what you've been taught from the very first test
Being compared to others from the very beginning
Your happiness depending where that of others is ending
Did it give you a sense of accomplishment, stepping over those of another?
Why not set your own goals, so its your ambitions you discover?
Don't partake in this crazy dog eat dog race
Focus on yourself, set your own pace
Get better each day, compete with your yesterday
Don't let the achievements of others dictate your mood today
It's ok if they succeed while you are left struggling
It's your own path you'll make, there is no use grumbling
One step at a time you'll climb up the ladder
It's not all chaos, not everyone has the answer
And when you win in the end, it will be through all these failures
The road that led you there will be your true savior

Friday, 4 August 2017

It's not too late

It's not too late to chase that dream
It's not too late even though so it may seem
It's not too late to realize where you should be
It's not too late to just let go to achieve where you are meant to be
Get up with purpose and take that risk
Quit that job you know you wouldn't miss
So easy to say but difficult to do
Believe me when I say I know you want to
Here I am, a free spirit locked up
Suppressing these thoughts that keep on rising up
These bonds of my own creation
I want to break them with this realization
To do what feels right and resolve this emptiness
God knows I have tried to ensure my own happiness
But every once in a while it dissapears without a trace
And I start back at square one left with these thoughts once again to face  

Saturday, 27 May 2017


"She had blue skin
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through.
Then passed right by-
And never knew."
- Shel Silverstein

The above lines really struck a chord in me and got me thinking of how we all go through our lives with masks on our faces. Multiple ones that we don for every situation - one for friends, one for family, one at work, one for the masses and let's not forget the one that we wear with ourselves. Because somewhere in the midst of all the different faces we loose the quality of being aware of who we really are, of being able to face the truth of our own personalities. There are a few people who are ready to be honest with themselves and live with the consequences of their decisions. Most of the time we shove it down deep inside, make ourselves believe that what was done was a necessary evil and that it is not who we truly are. We put a smile on our faces while dealing with the masses, go with the flow, pretending to not have a care in the world shoving down the internal turmoil. Then there are those of us who hide away ourselves since we are afraid to voice the truth, voice our actual opinion, afraid of not fitting in anymore. So we put on a front that would let us be part of the 'inner circle', let us enjoy the few moments of inclusion.

Is this what interaction gets reduced to? What is the point of choosing to surround yourself with people with whom you can't be real, can't be yourself. But this what by and large has become of society; pretending to be something you are not, pretending to show the world how 'happening' things are for you - that is what life has become all about. And while I agree that it is necessary to wear these masks, it is also necessary to not to let them take over who you truly are, to always ensure that you may show the world a different side but at the end of the day you can still be honest with yourself and hopefully those you hold dear. It is necessary to voice your opinion from time to time and not be afraid of what people will think, to do what feels right by you and not what the society wants you to do. You never know the opportunities and relationships you may be loosing out on just because you are too busy 'fitting in', too busy being someone you are not.

So sit yourself down from time to time and do some self introspection. Try to dig deep and separate yourself from who you portray to be so that while you may fake it in public you can still be true to yourself.